Rio de Janeiro

UMR Index


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Score: 38.3%

Sustainable Mobility


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Score: 35.1%

Public Transit


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Score: 47.9%

Population 13.2 million
Surface area (km2) 2,020
Population-density (people/km2) 6,515
GDP per capita ($) 13,737
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What Riyadh Does Well in Urban Mobility

Rio de Janeiro’s public transit system spans metro, commuter rail, buses, minibuses and ferries. It offers frequent service, and stations and stops are generally within a short walk for residents.

Rio de Janeiro has moderate levels of car ownership among residents, which may help contain congestion and maintain good air quality in the future

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores

Challenges and Opportunities for Riyadh’s Transportation System

With poor road safety and enforcement of traffic laws and a lack of dedicated car-free zones, Rio's streets are not conducive to cycling. In 2022, authorities reportedly published a plan to triple the size of the city’s 425-kilometer (264 mile) network of bike lanes to improve this

The government has made limited investment in electric vehicle (EV) purchase incentives and charging infrastructure, contributing to a low market share of EVs.

Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score

How Riyadh Can Improve Its Public Transportation and Sustainable Mobility

Compared with its peers, Rio de Janeiro lags in integrating the city’s various transportation options for easy use by residents. To help improve multimodality, Rio can introduce a park-and-ride program to allow residents to access the city center from suburban and rural areas while limiting the time spent driving. Expanding bike access on buses and the metro would enable more cyclists to utilize public transit while using their bikes for the first and last mile of their journeys.

With high fares relative to household income, Rio de Janeiro has one of the least affordable public transit systems in the region. To help close the gap with Latin American peers, Rio can provide government-backed subsidies for transit fares. This can be accomplished by lowering the price of fares for everyone, lowering fares on an income basis, or selling long-term passes (such as monthly or quarterly) that discount fares for regular transit users.

Comparative Urban Mobility Readiness Index scores