UMR Index


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Score: 32.2%

Sustainable Mobility



Score: 31.4%

Public Transit


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Score: 35.3%

Population 10.8 million
Surface area (km2) 891
Population-density (people/km2) 12,079
GDP per capita ($) 13,862
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What Lima Does Well in Urban Mobility

The Peruvian capital boasts one of the highest public transit utilization rates in the Index, and the city continues to expand its bus rapid transit network that carries 700,000 passengers a day on dedicated lanes. A $93 million loan from the World Bank aims to further improve the network with a 10-kilometer (6-mile) extension.

The city is home to a strong mobility sector with many of its residents working in the transportation business.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores

Challenges and Opportunities for Lima’s Transportation System

With limited dedicated cycling infrastructure and poor enforcement of transportation safety, Lima does not boast a strong cycling culture. The city set up temporary bike lanes on major avenues during the pandemic, but they need to be formally legalized in order to last.

With few international flights, a weak supply chain infrastructure, and a lack of top university presence, Lima is not a hub for mobility innovation. The airport was upgraded with a new control tower and a second runway, and a new passenger terminal should be completed by January 2025.

Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score

How Lima Can Improve Its Public Transportation and Sustainable Mobility

Bus riders often struggle with long commute times due to low transit speeds. To help close the gap with other cities, Lima can expand its dedicated bus lanes to help avoid traffic slowdowns. Adding bus lanes is an efficient and effective way to shorten travel times for commuters.

Compared with its peers, Lima does not have a strong multimodal network. It can boost its multimodality by completing a long-delayed second Metro line, which will cross the city from east to west, and implementing an integrated ticketing system for use across all public transit systems. Lima also can introduce a park-and-ride program to enable residents to access the city center from suburban and rural areas while limiting driving. Expanding access for bikes aboard buses and metro would allow more cyclists to utilize public transit and cycling for the first and last miles of their journeys.

Comparative Urban Mobility Readiness Index scores