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Ranked number # for Urban Mobility Readiness, with an overall Index score of %. Ranked number # (%) for Sustainable Mobility and # (%) for Public Transit.

UMR Index


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Score: %

Sustainable Mobility


Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Public Transit



Score: %

Population (million)
Population-density (people/km2)
GDP per capita ($)
Surface area (km2)

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UMR Index


Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Sustainable Mobility


Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Public Transit



Score: %

Population (million)
Population-density (people/km2)
GDP per capita ($)
Surface area (km2)

UMR Index


Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Sustainable Mobility


Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Public Transit



Score: %

Population (million)
Population-density (people/km2)
GDP per capita ($)
Surface area (km2)
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UMR Index



Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Sustainable Mobility



Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Public Transit




Score: %

Population (million)
Population-density (people/km2)
GDP per capita ($)
Surface area (km2)

UMR Index



Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Sustainable Mobility



Arrow up Arrow up

Score: %

Public Transit



Score: %

Population (million)
Population-density (people/km2)
GDP per capita ($)
Surface area (km2)