Volume 4

Urban Mobility
Readiness Index

The Oliver Wyman Forum, in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, present the Urban Mobility Readiness Index, a ranking of 60 major cities worldwide on their preparedness for mobility’s next chapter. A summary of this year’s index captures the themes that define mobility’s new future.

Mobility Matters for the Future of Cities

The cities that tackle future mobility challenges will be the most sustainable and attractive for people and businesses. This year’s edition places an emphasis on sustainability and public transit as the backbone of a resilient economy.

The leading cities in our index were either well prepared for or seized the disruption COVID brought to make concrete improvements to their mobility ecosystems.

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This year’s index introduces a Public Transit NEW sub-index, measuring how well cities are maintaining their networks and how many commuters use it.

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Learn more about the strengths and challenges for all 60 cities in our index.

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About the index

This year’s index introduces a new Public Transit sub-index that measures how well cities are maintaining their mass transit networks and how many commuters use it. It also includes the second annual Sustainable Mobility sub-index, measuring how well cities are making a pivot to greener mobility and bolstering their infrastructure against the risks of climate change.

Learn about the index